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Frequently Asked Questions
Delivery Time For Normal Deliveries is 7-9 Days and charges are Rs 200/- nationwide. For Urgent Deliveries (1-4 Days) the delivery charges are Rs 500/- and the payment mode is online transfer.
For custom orders advance payment of 50% is required. Bank transfer, jazzcash and easypaisa transfer options are available
Candy Closet has a strict no return policy. Items once purchased, cannot be returned.
Exchange is possible if the customer receives a defective article or needs to change the size in which case, we need to be notified within 24 hours of delivery on Instagram or Whatsapp.
For exchange, the customer needs to ship the products back to us. Once the products are delivered to us, we will check their condition. Products should be in the original condition and the tag should be intact.
The exchange order will be dispatched after the checking process is complete. The customer will have to pay the delivery charges again and the exchange process will take 7-10 days.
Size Chart